
933 lines
28 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import logging
from typing import List, Dict, Set
import xml.etree.ElementTree
def rename(name: str):
return name
class Registry:
def __init__(self):
self.types = {}
self.extensions = {}
self.features = {}
self.types['API Constants'] = Unscoped('API Constants')
self.applied = set()
def _serialise(self, name: str, queued: Set[str]):
if name in queued:
return []
result = []
obj = self.types[name]
for d in obj.depends:
if d == name:
result += self._serialise(d, queued)
assert name not in queued
result += [obj]
return result
def serialise(self, platform: Set[str]):
required = []
for (_, f) in self.features.items():
required += f.apply(self)
for e in self.extensions:
required += self.extensions[e].apply(self, platform)
queued = set()
result = []
for r in required:
result += self._serialise(r, queued)
return result
class Type(object):
The base class for all object defined in the Vulkan API.
This includes (but is not limited to) types, like structures; and values,
like constants.
def __init__(self, name: str, depends: List[str] = None):
assert name = name
self.depends = depends or []
assert isinstance(self.depends, list)
for i in self.depends:
assert isinstance(i, str)
def depends(self):
return self.depends
def declare(self):
return ""
def define(self, reg: Registry):
return ""
class AliasType(Type):
A type that is an alias for another type.
May be serialised using an appropriate host language facility
(eg, a typedef)
def __init__(self, name: str, target: str, depends: List[str] = None):
depends = depends or []
super().__init__(name, depends=depends+[target]) = target
def declare(self):
return f"using {rename(} = {rename(};"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AliasValue(Type):
A value that is an alias for another value.
May be serialised using an appropriate host language facility.
def __init__(self, name: str, target: str):
super().__init__(name, depends=[target]) = target
self.value = target
def declare(self):
return "constexpr auto %(name)s = %(target)s;" % {
"name": rename(,
"target": rename(,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Placeholder(Type):
def __init__(self, name: str):
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Unscoped(Type):
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.values = []
def declare(self):
return "\n".join(t.declare() for t in self.values)
def define(self, reg):
return "\n".join(t.define(reg.types) for t in self.values)
class Include(Type):
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] == 'include'
self.directive = node.text
def declare(self):
return self.directive or "#include <%s>" %
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Define(Type):
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] == 'define'
name = node.attrib.get('name') or node.find('name').text
self.directive = "".join(node.itertext())
def declare(self):
return self.directive
class Bitmask(Type):
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] == 'bitmask'
n = node.find('name').text
t = node.find('type').text
super().__init__(n, depends=[t])
self.type = t
self.requires = node.attrib.get('requires')
if self.requires:
def declare(self):
return "using %(name)s = %(type)s;" % {
"type": self.type
def define(self, reg: Registry):
return self.declare()
class Handle(Type):
parents: List[str]
type: str
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] == 'handle'
n = node.find('name').text
t = node.find('type').text
assert t
super().__init__(n, depends=[t])
self.type = t
parents = node.attrib.get('parent', None)
self.parents = parents.split(',') if parents else []
def declare(self):
return "struct %(name)s_t; using %(name)s = %(name)s_t*;" % {
"type": self.type
def has_parent(self, name: str, reg: Registry) -> bool:
Recursively check if this type is derived from a given parent type.
assert name
assert reg
if == name:
return True
if not self.parents:
return False
if name in self.parents:
return True
for p in self.parents:
if reg.types[p].has_parent(name, reg):
return True
return False
class Enum(Type):
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] == 'enum'
name = node.attrib['name']
super().__init__(name, depends=["VkEnum"])
self.values = {}
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value):
assert isinstance(value, Constant) or isinstance(value, AliasValue)
self.values[key] = value
def declare(self):
return ""
def define(self, reg: Registry):
values = ("%(name)s = %(value)s" % {"name": k, "value": v.value} for (k, v) in self.values.items())
return "enum %(name)s : int32_t { %(values)s };" % {
"values": ", ".join(values)
class BaseType(AliasType):
Represents fundamental types that aliases of system provided types and used
extensively by the base API. eg, VkBool32
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] == 'basetype'
class FuncPointer(Type):
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] == 'funcpointer'
name = node.find('name').text
self.params = list(map(lambda x: x.text, node.findall('./type')))
self.text = "".join(node.itertext())
super().__init__(name, depends=['VkBool32']+self.params)
def declare(self):
return self.text
class POD(Type):
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == 'type'
assert node.attrib['category'] in ['struct', 'union']
self._node = node
self._category = node.attrib['category']
# sometimes there are enums hiding in the member fields being used as array sizes
self.depends += list(e.text for e in node.findall('.//enum'))
self.depends += list(t.text for t in node.findall('.//type'))
self._members = []
for member in node.findall('./member'):
t = member.find('type').text
n = member.find('name').text
comment = member.find('comment')
if not comment is None:
code = " ".join(member.itertext())
#code = member.iter()
#code = filter(lambda x: x.tag != 'comment', code)
#code = map(lambda x: x.itertext(), code)
#code = map(lambda x: "".join(x), code)
#code = "".join(code)
self._members.append({'code': code, 'type': t, 'name': n})
def declare(self):
return "%(category)s %(name)s;" % {
'category': self._category,
'name': rename(
def define(self, reg: Registry):
return "%(category)s %(name)s {\n%(members)s\n};" % {
'category': self._category,
'name': rename(,
'members': "\n".join(m['code'] + ';' for m in self._members)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Struct(POD):
def __init__(self, node):
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Union(POD):
def __init__(self, node):
class Constant(Type):
def __init__(self, node, **kwargs):
assert node.tag == 'enum'
name = node.attrib['name']
if 'offset' in node.attrib:
assert 'extends' in node.attrib
number = int(kwargs['extnumber'])
offset = int(node.attrib['offset'])
self.value = 1000000000 + 1000 * number + offset
if 'dir' in node.attrib:
self.value *= -1
elif 'value' in node.attrib:
self.value = node.attrib['value']
elif 'bitpos' in node.attrib:
self.value = "1 << %s" % node.attrib['bitpos']
raise RuntimeError("Unknown constant value type")
def declare(self):
return "constexpr auto %(name)s = %(value)s;" % {
"value": self.value
class Command(Type):
class Param(Type):
def __init__(self, node, **kwargs):
assert node.tag == 'param'
self.type = node.find('type').text
self.param = ""
for i in node.iter():
self.param += i.text or ""
self.param += i.tail or ""
# normalise whitespace
self.param = " ".join(self.param.split())
def __init__(self, node):
assert node.tag == "command"
proto = node.find('proto')
name = proto.find('name').text
self.result = proto.find('type').text
self.params = [self.Param(p) for p in node.findall('./param')]
self.depends += [self.result]
for p in self.params:
self.depends += p.depends
def declare(self):
return 'extern "C" %(result)s %(name)s (%(params)s) noexcept;' % {
'name': rename(,
'result': self.result,
'params': ", ".join(p.param for p in self.params)
def is_instance(self, reg: Registry):
assert reg
if not self.params:
return True
first_arg = self.params[0].type
if first_arg == 'VkInstance':
return True
first_obj = reg.types[first_arg]
# If the first type isn't a handle of any description then it should
# be an instance function.
if not isinstance(first_obj, Handle):
return True
# Both VkInstance and VkPhysicalDevice are listed as possible instance
# parameters.
# Test that the handle is derived from VkInstance, and not derived from
# VkDevice. The second test is required because VkDevice is indirectly
# derived from VkInstance. This approach buys us a little more
# generality.
if not first_obj.has_parent('VkInstance', reg):
return False
if first_arg == 'VkDevice' or first_obj.has_parent('VkDevice', reg):
return False
return True
def is_device(self, reg: Registry):
return not self.is_instance(reg)
class Require(object):
def __init__(self, root):
self.values = []
self.depends = []
for node in root:
if node.tag == 'enum':
elif node.tag in ['command', 'type']:
elif node.tag in ['comment']:
raise RuntimeError("Unknown requires node")
def apply(self, reg: Registry, extnumber=None):
required = []
required += self.depends
for value in self.values:
name = value.attrib['name']
if len(value.attrib) == 1:
assert 'name' in value.attrib
if not 'extends' in value.attrib:
obj = Constant(value)
owner = reg.types['API Constants']
owner = reg.types[value.attrib['extends']]
if 'alias' in value.attrib:
owner[name] = AliasValue(name, value.attrib['alias'])
elif value.tag == 'enum':
owner[name] = Constant(value, extnumber=extnumber or int(value.attrib.get('extnumber', '0')))
elif value.tag == 'command':
raise RuntimeError("Unknown type")
return required
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Feature(Type):
def __init__(self, root):
assert root.tag == 'feature'
name = root.attrib['name']
self.requires = []
for node in root:
if 'require' == node.tag:
raise RuntimeError("Unhandled feature node")
def define(self, reg: Registry):
return "#define %s" %
def apply(self, reg: Registry):"Applying feature:",, file=sys.stderr)
result = []
for r in self.requires:
result += r.apply(reg)
return result
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Extension(Type):
def __init__(self, root):
assert root.tag == 'extension'
name = root.attrib['name']
if 'requires' in root.attrib:
self.depends += root.attrib['requires'].split(',')
self.number = int(root.attrib['number'])
self.platform = root.attrib.get('platform')
self.requires = []
for node in root:
if node.tag == 'require':
raise RuntimeError("Unknown extension node")
def apply(self, reg: Registry, platform: Set[str]):
if in reg.applied:
return []
if self.platform and self.platform not in platform:
return []
required = []
for dep in self.depends:
required = reg.extensions[dep].apply(reg, platform)"Applying extension:",, file=sys.stderr)
for node in self.requires:
required += node.apply(reg, extnumber=self.number)
return required
def ignore_node(types: Dict[str, Type], root):
types, root
parse_comment = ignore_node
parse_vendorids = ignore_node
parse_platforms = ignore_node
parse_tags = ignore_node
def parse_types(reg: Registry, root):
assert root.tag == 'types'
for t in root.findall('type'):
name = t.attrib.get ('name') or t.find('name').text
assert name not in reg.types
if 'alias' in t.attrib:
name = t.attrib['name']
target = t.attrib['alias']
reg.types[name] = AliasType(name, target)
category = t.attrib.get ('category')
# if we don't have a category we should have a bare type that has a
# dependency on something like a header.
# eg, 'Display' depends on 'X11/Xlib.h'
if not category:
reg.types[name] = Placeholder(name)
# Whitelist the known types so we don't accidentally instantiate
# something whacky
supported_categories = {
'include': Include,
'define': Define,
'bitmask': Bitmask,
'basetype': BaseType,
'handle': Handle,
'enum': Enum,
'funcpointer': FuncPointer,
'struct': Struct,
'union': Union,
concrete = supported_categories.get(category, None)
if concrete:
reg.types[name] = concrete(t)
raise RuntimeError('unhandled type')
if 'requires' in t.attrib:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_enums(reg: Registry, root):
assert root.tag == 'enums'
ownername = root.attrib['name']
owner = reg.types[ownername] if ownername != 'API Constants' else reg.types
for node in root.findall('./enum'):
valuename = node.attrib.get('name')
assert 'requires' not in node.attrib
if 'alias' in node.attrib:
owner[valuename] = AliasValue(valuename, node.attrib['alias'])
owner[valuename] = Constant(node)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_commands(reg: Registry, root):
assert root.tag == 'commands'
for node in root.findall('./command'):
name = node.attrib.get('name') or node.find('./proto/name').text
assert name not in reg.types
if 'alias' in node.attrib:
reg.types[name] = AliasValue(name, node.attrib['alias'])
reg.types[name] = Command(node)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_feature(reg: Registry, root):
assert root.tag == 'feature'
name = root.attrib['name']
assert name not in reg.features
reg.features[name] = Feature(root)
reg.types[name] = reg.features[name]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_extensions(reg: Registry, root):
assert root.tag == 'extensions'
for node in root.findall('./extension'):
name = node.attrib['name']
assert name not in reg.extensions
reg.extensions[name] = Extension(node)
def write_header(path: str, q: List[Type], reg: Registry):
with open(path, 'w') as dst:
dst.write("#pragma once\n")
# Write the declarations and definitions for all types.
for obj in q:
# Define the default case for device and instance type traits.
#include <type_traits>
/// A type trait that tests if a Vulkan type is an instance type
template <typename NativeT>
struct is_instance:
public std::false_type
/// A type trait that tests if a Vulkan type is a device type
template <typename NativeT>
struct is_device:
public std::false_type
template <typename T>
constexpr auto is_instance_v = is_instance<T>::value;
template <typename T>
constexpr auto is_device_v = is_device<T>::value;
# Specialise traits for device and instance types.
for obj in q:
if not isinstance(obj, Handle):
device_value = "true_type" if obj.has_parent("VkDevice", reg) else "false_type"
instance_value = "true_type" if obj.has_parent("VkInstance", reg) else "false_type"
template <> struct is_instance<{}>: public std::{instance_value} {{ }};
template <> struct is_device<{}>: public std::{device_value} {{ }};
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def write_icd(path: str, q: List[Type], reg: Registry):
with open(path, 'w') as icd:
commands = [i for i in q if isinstance(i, Command)]
instance_commands = [i for i in commands if i.is_instance(reg)]
device_commands = [i for i in commands if i.is_device(reg)]
assert len(instance_commands) + len(device_commands) == len(commands)
#include "vk.hpp"
#include <cruft/util/preprocessor.hpp>
#define MAP_COMMANDS(FUNC) MAP0(FUNC,{",".join( for i in commands)})
#define MAP_INSTANCE_COMMANDS(FUNC) MAP0(FUNC,{",".join( for i in instance_commands)})
#define MAP_DEVICE_COMMANDS(FUNC) MAP0(FUNC,{",".join( for i in device_commands)})
namespace cruft::vk::icd {{
class vendor;
struct func {{
void *handle;
void const *table;
struct instance_table {{
instance_table (vendor &);
for obj in instance_commands:
icd.write(f"{obj.result} (*{}) ({','.join(p.param for p in obj.params)}) = nullptr;\n")
struct device_table {
for obj in device_commands:
icd.write(f"{obj.result} (*{}) ({','.join(p.param for p in obj.params)}) = nullptr;\n")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def write_dispatch(path: str, q: List[Type], reg: Registry):
with open(path, 'w') as dispatch:
#include "../vk.hpp"
#include "vtable.hpp"
#include "icd/dispatch.hpp"
#include <cruft/util/debug.hpp>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
static cruft::vk::icd::instance_table const *i_table [[maybe_unused]] = nullptr;
static cruft::vk::icd::device_table const *d_table [[maybe_unused]] = nullptr;
void (*cruft_vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr) (
VkInstance instance,
const char* pName
) = nullptr;
void cruft::vk::icd::init (vendor const &impl)
cruft_vk_icdGetInstanceProcAddr = impl.vtable.GetInstanceProc;
for obj in (i for i in q if isinstance(i, Command)):
first_arg = reg.types[obj.params[0].type]
if not isinstance(first_arg, Handle):
extern "C" {obj.result} {rename(} ({", ".join(p.param for p in obj.params)}) noexcept {{
unimplemented ();
if first_arg.has_parent('VkDevice', reg):
table = "d_table"
elif first_arg.has_parent('VkInstance', reg):
table = 'i_table'
raise Exception("Unknown param type")
extern "C" {obj.result} {rename(} ({", ".join(p.param for p in obj.params)}) noexcept {{
using first_arg_t = std::decay_t<decltype({obj.params[0].name})>;
if constexpr (is_instance_v<first_arg_t>) {{
auto const entry = reinterpret_cast<cruft::vk::icd::func const*> ({obj.params[0].name});
auto const *table = reinterpret_cast<decltype({table})> (entry->table);
return (table->{})(
reinterpret_cast<decltype({obj.params[0].name})> (entry->handle)
{", ".join([''] + [ for p in obj.params[1:]])}
}} else {{
unimplemented ();
import argparse
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Transform XML API specification into C++ headers')
parser.add_argument('--src', type=str, help='the path to the XML file to transform')
parser.add_argument('--dst', type=str, help='the output path for the result')
parser.add_argument('--icd', type=str, help='the output path for the icd loading routines')
parser.add_argument('--dispatch', type=str, help="the output path for function dispatch")
help='a platform to generate output for. may be specific multiple times"'
args = parser.parse_args()
# Get a copy of the specification XML
with open(args.src, 'r') as src:
tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(src)
root = tree.getroot()
# Find a parser for each of the nodes in the XML
reg = Registry()
for node in root:
target = "parse_%s" % node.tag
globals()[target](reg, node)
# Override some requested system types so that they fit more naturally in
# our environment. eg, use appropriate C++ types, or cruft library
# wrappers.
reg.types['windows.h'].name = 'cruft/util/win32/windows.hpp'
reg.types['void*'] = Placeholder('void*')
reg.types['nullptr'] = Placeholder('nullptr')
reg.types['VkEnum'] = AliasType('VkEnum', 'int32_t')
reg.types['VK_DEFINE_HANDLE'] = AliasType("VK_DEFINE_HANDLE", "void*")
reg.types['VK_NULL_HANDLE'] = AliasValue("VK_NULL_HANDLE", "nullptr")
# Request serialisation of all features
features = [Feature(n) for n in root.findall('./feature')]
features = dict((,f) for f in features)
#reg.extensions['VK_KHR_surface'].apply(reg, platform='xcb')
# Request a minimal set of extensions that will almost certainly be
# required for all applications.
extensions = ["VK_KHR_swapchain", "VK_EXT_debug_report", "VK_KHR_external_memory"]
q = reg.serialise(args.platform)
# Finally write out the header, icd, and dispatch code.
write_header(args.dst, q, reg)
write_icd(args.icd, q, reg)
write_dispatch(args.dispatch, q, reg)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':