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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2011-2019 Danny Robson <>
#pragma once
#include "debug/assert.hpp"
#include "cast.hpp"
#include <atomic>
#include <new>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
namespace cruft {
/// a simple pre-allocated pool for storage of PODs.
/// non-POD types can be stored, but there are no guarantees for calling
/// item destructors at pool destruction time.
template <typename T>
class pool {
union node;
union node {
alignas(node*) std::atomic<node*> next;
alignas(T) char data[sizeof(T)];
static_assert (std::atomic<node*>::is_always_lock_free);
// root address of allocation. used in deletion at destruction time.
node* m_head;
// the next available entry in the linked list
std::atomic<node *> m_next;
// the total number of items that could be stored
std::size_t m_capacity;
// the number of items currently stored.
std::atomic<size_t> m_size;
pool (const pool&) = delete;
pool& operator= (const pool&) = delete;
pool (pool &&rhs) noexcept
: m_head (nullptr)
, m_next (nullptr)
, m_capacity (0)
, m_size (0)
std::swap (m_head, rhs.m_head);
m_next = rhs.m_next.load ();
rhs.m_next = nullptr;
std::swap (m_capacity, rhs.m_capacity);
m_size = rhs.m_size.load ();
rhs.m_size = 0;
pool& operator= (pool&&);
pool (std::size_t _capacity):
m_capacity (_capacity),
m_size (0u)
// allocate the memory and note the base address for deletion in destructor
m_next = m_head = new node[m_capacity];
clear ();
~pool ()
// don't check if everything's been returned as pools are often used
// for PODs which don't need to be destructed via calling release.
delete [] m_head;
// Data management
[[nodiscard]] T*
allocate [[gnu::malloc]] [[gnu::returns_nonnull]] (void)
// double check we have enough capacity left
if (!m_next)
throw std::bad_alloc ();
CHECK_LT (m_size, m_capacity);
// unlink the current cursor
do {
node* curr = m_next;
node* soon = curr->next;
if (m_next.compare_exchange_weak (curr, soon)) {
return std::launder (cruft::cast::alignment<T*> (curr));
} while (1);
deallocate (T *base)
auto soon = cruft::cast::alignment<node*> (base);
do {
node *curr = m_next;
soon->next = curr;
if (m_next.compare_exchange_weak (curr, soon)) {
} while (1);
template <typename ...Args>
construct (Args &&...args)
auto ptr = allocate ();
try {
return new (ptr) T (std::forward<Args> (args)...);
} catch (...) {
deallocate (ptr);
destroy (T *ptr)
ptr->~T ();
deallocate (ptr);
void destroy (size_t idx)
return destroy (&(*this)[idx]);
auto capacity (void) const { return m_capacity; }
auto size (void) const { return m_size.load (); }
bool empty (void) const { return size () == 0; }
bool full (void) const { return size () == capacity (); }
void clear (void)
m_next = m_head;
// build out a complete singly linked list from all the nodes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_capacity - 1; ++i)
m_next[i].next = m_next + i + 1;
m_next[m_capacity - 1].next = nullptr;
// Indexing
size_t index (T const *ptr) const
CHECK_LIMIT (cruft::cast::alignment<node const*> (ptr), m_head, m_head + m_capacity);
return cruft::cast::alignment<node const*> (ptr) - m_head;
/// returns the base address of the allocation.
/// guaranteed to point to the first _possible_ allocated value;
/// however it may not be _live_ at any given moment.
/// DO NOT use this pointer for indexing as you will be unable to
/// account for internal node sizes, alignment, or padding.
void * base (void) & { return m_head; }
void const* base (void) const& { return m_head; }
T& operator[] (size_t idx) &
CHECK_LIMIT (idx, 0u, capacity ());
return *cruft::cast::alignment<T*> (&m_head[idx].data[0]);
T const& operator[] (size_t idx) const&
CHECK_LIMIT (idx, 0u, capacity ());
return *cruft::cast::alignment<T const*> (&m_head[idx].data[0]);