This places, at long last, the core library code into the same namespace as the extended library code.
219 lines
5.9 KiB
219 lines
5.9 KiB
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2017 Danny Robson <>
#include "./format.hpp"
#include <iostream>
// We generate some really old style C code via ragel here, so we have to
// disable some noisy warnings (doubly so given -Werror)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
namespace cruft::format {
operator<< (std::ostream &os, type_t val)
switch (val) {
case type_t::LITERAL: return os << "LITERAL";
case type_t::USER: return os << "USER";
case type_t::ESCAPE: return os << "ESCAPE";
case type_t::SIGNED: return os << "SIGNED";
case type_t::UNSIGNED: return os << "UNSIGNED";
case type_t::REAL: return os << "REAL";
case type_t::STRING: return os << "STRING";
case type_t::CHAR: return os << "CHAR";
case type_t::POINTER: return os << "POINTER";
case type_t::COUNT: return os << "COUNT";
return os << "UNKNOWN_" << static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<type_t>> (val);
operator<< (std::ostream &os, const specifier &val)
return os << "{ fmt: " << val.fmt << ", type: " << val.type << " }";
machine printf;
parameter = digit+ '$';
flag = '+' %{ = true; }
| '-' %{ s.flags.minus = true; }
| ' ' %{ = true; }
| '0' %{ = true; }
| '#' %{ s.flags.hash = true; }
width = digit+ >{ s.width = 0; } ${ s.width *= 10; s.width += fc - '0'; };
# precision may be zero digits which implies zero precision.
precision = '.' >{ s.precision = 0; } digit* ${ s.precision *= 10; s.precision += fc - '0'; };
length =
'hh' %{ s.length = sizeof (char); }
| 'h' %{ s.length = sizeof (short); }
| 'l' %{ s.length = sizeof (long); }
| 'll' %{ s.length = sizeof (long long); }
| 'L' %{ s.length = sizeof (long double); }
| 'z' %{ s.length = sizeof (size_t); }
| 'j' %{ s.length = sizeof (intmax_t); }
| 't' %{ s.length = sizeof (ptrdiff_t); }
type = (
'!' >{ s.type = type_t::USER; }
| '%' >{ s.type = type_t::ESCAPE; }
| (
| 'i'
) >{ s.type = type_t::SIGNED; }
| (
| 'x' %{ s.base = 16; }
| 'X' %{ s.base = 16; s.upper = true; }
| 'o' %{ s.base = 8; }
) >{ s.type = type_t::UNSIGNED; }
| (
('f' | 'F' %{ s.upper = true; }) %{ s.representation = specifier::FIXED; }
| ('e' | 'E' %{ s.upper = true; }) %{ s.representation = specifier::SCIENTIFIC; }
| ('g' | 'G' %{ s.upper = true; }) %{ s.representation = specifier::DEFAULT; }
| ('a' | 'A' %{ s.upper = true; }) %{ s.representation = specifier::HEX; s.base = 16; }
) >{ s.type = type_t::REAL; }
| 's' >{ s.type = type_t::STRING; }
| 'c' >{ s.type = type_t::CHAR; }
| 'p' >{ s.type = type_t::POINTER; }
| 'n' >{ s.type = type_t::COUNT; }
literal = ([^%]+)
s = specifier {};
s.fmt = {fpc,fpc};
s.type = type_t::LITERAL;
s.fmt = {s.fmt.begin(),fpc};
if (!s.fmt.empty ()) {
specs.push_back (s);
specifier = (
s = specifier {};
s.fmt = {fpc,fpc};
s.fmt = {s.fmt.begin(),fpc};
specs.push_back (s);
format := literal? (specifier literal?)**
>{ success = false; }
%{ success = true; }
write data;
cruft::format::printf (cruft::view<const char*> fmt)
std::vector<specifier> specs;
specifier s;
bool success = false;
int cs;
auto p = std::cbegin (fmt);
auto pe = std::cend (fmt);
auto eof = pe;
%%write init;
%%write exec;
if (!success)
throw std::runtime_error ("invalid format specification");
return parsed { std::move (specs) };
/// parses a format specifier in the style of PEP3101 (with the notable
/// exception of named parameters).
/// in the event of a parsing error the function will throw. makes no
/// attempt to cater for constexpr validation.
cruft::format::python (cruft::view<const char*> fmt)
std::vector<specifier> specs;
const auto *prev = std::begin (fmt);
const auto *cursor = std::begin (fmt);
while (*cursor) {
switch (*cursor) {
case '{':
specifier s;
s.fmt = { prev, cursor };
s.type = type_t::LITERAL;
specs.push_back (s);
auto first = cursor;
while (*++cursor != '}')
specifier s;
s.fmt = {first, cursor};
s.type = type_t::USER;
specs.push_back (s);
prev = cursor;
specifier s;
s.fmt = {prev,cursor};
s.type = type_t::LITERAL;
specs.push_back (s);
return parsed {std::move (specs)};