GCC produces ODR error when including paths of the form './foo' and 'foo' in the same binary. Rather than managing duplication we just universally pick the absolute form over the relative form.
98 lines
2.7 KiB
98 lines
2.7 KiB
#include "../pool.hpp"
#include "../tap.hpp"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
check_single (util::TAP::logger &tap)
// Ensure a single element doesn't break the circular linked list
util::pool<uint64_t> single(1);
tap.expect_nothrow ([&] {
single.release (single.acquire ());
}, "single element acquire-release");
check_unique_ptr (util::TAP::logger &tap)
util::pool<uint64_t> uintpool (1025);
std::set<uint64_t *> uintset;
// Take all pointers out, checking they are unique, then replace for destruction.
while (!uintpool.empty ())
uintset.insert (uintpool.acquire ());
tap.expect_eq (uintset.size (), uintpool.capacity (), "extracted maximum elements");
for (auto i: uintset)
uintpool.release (i);
tap.expect_eq (uintpool.size (), 0u, "re-inserted maximum elements");
uintset.clear ();
// Do the above one more time to ensure that releasing works right
while (!uintpool.empty ())
uintset.insert (uintpool.acquire ());
tap.expect_eq (uintset.size (), uintpool.capacity (), "re-extracted maximum elements");
check_keep_value (util::TAP::logger &tap)
// Ensure that items keep their values.
util::pool<uint64_t> uintpool(256);
std::vector<uint64_t*> uintvector;
uintvector.reserve(uintpool.capacity ());
// Give every item a unique value
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uintpool.capacity (); ++i) {
uint64_t *item = uintpool.acquire ();
*item = i;
CHECK_EQ (uintvector.size (), uintpool.capacity ());
// Ensure they're all still present
std::vector<bool> present(uintpool.capacity (), false);
for (auto i = uintvector.begin (); i != uintvector.end (); ++i) {
CHECK (**i < uintpool.capacity ());
CHECK (present[**i] != true);
present[**i] = true;
// All must have been marked as present...
tap.expect (std::find (present.begin (), present.end (), false) == present.end (), "values retained");
// Release all back into the pool for destruction
//for (auto i = uintvector.begin (); i != uintvector.end (); ++i)
// uintpool.release (*i);
//uintvector.clear ();
main (int, char **)
util::TAP::logger tap;
check_single (tap);
check_unique_ptr (tap);
check_keep_value (tap);
return tap.status ();