Danny Robson 04249a8320 json/schema: fall back to identity test for .result.json
result.json test cases are only really required when we have default
properties that need to be filled. Fall back to using the input.json
file for other cases.
2018-07-09 14:13:51 +10:00

109 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from glob import glob
import subprocess
import os.path
import os
import tempfile
devnull=open(os.devnull, 'w')
def test_bad(schema:str, dir:str) -> int:
failures = 0
for input in glob(os.path.join(dir, "*.json")):
code =[validate, schema, input], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
prefix = ""
if code == 0:
prefix = "not "
failures += 1
prefix = "not " if code == 0 else ""
print(f"{prefix}ok - {input}")
return failures
def test_good(schema:str, dir:str) -> int:
# extract a list of inputs and truths. the truth list may be incomplete
# (if we're not dealing with defaults) so we can't use it directly.
inputs = glob(os.path.join(dir, "*.input.json"))
results = glob(os.path.join(dir, "*.result.json"))
unused = [x for x in glob(f"{dir}/*") if x not in inputs and x not in results]
if unused:
raise RuntimeError("unused inputs", unused)
failures = 0
for test in inputs:
# check if we have a corresponding .result.json file as the ground
# truth. if not then we assume that there shouldn't be any chance in
# the resulting json and set the truth to the test file.
(base,_) = os.path.splitext(test)
(base,_) = os.path.splitext(base)
truth = f"{base}.result.json"
if not os.path.isfile(truth):
truth = test
success = False
# a two stage check:
# * apply the schema to the test file
# * test it matches the truth file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as out:
subprocess.check_call([validate, schema, test], stdout=out)
subprocess.check_call([compare,, truth])
success = True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
failures += 1
prefix = "not " if not success else ""
print(f"{prefix}ok - {test}")
return failures
def validation_group(dir:str) -> int:
schema = os.path.join(dir, "schema.json")
if not os.path.isfile(schema):
raise Exception(f"schema is not present, {schema}")
failures = 0
failures += test_good(schema, os.path.join(dir, "good"))
failures += test_bad(schema, os.path.join(dir, "bad"))
return failures
def test_validation(dir:str) -> int:
failures = 0
groups = (x for x in os.listdir(dir))
groups = (os.path.join(dir, x) for x in groups)
groups = (x for x in groups if os.path.isdir(x))
for name in sorted(groups):
path = os.path.join(src, name)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
failures += validation_group(path)
return failures
if __name__ == "__main__":
failures = 0
failures += test_validation(os.path.join(src, "validation"))
exit(1 if failures else 0)