2021-11-22 11:16:10 +10:00

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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2015-2019 Danny Robson <>
#pragma once
#include "annotation.hpp"
#include "cast.hpp"
#include "debug/assert.hpp"
#include "maths.hpp"
#include "platform.hpp"
#include "types/traits.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
namespace cruft {
template <typename BeginT, typename EndT = BeginT>
struct view {
using begin_type = BeginT;
using end_type = EndT;
using iterator = begin_type;
using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<
using size_type = size_t;
view (const BeginT &first, const EndT &last) noexcept:
m_begin (first),
m_end (last)
if constexpr (cruft::is_lteq_orderable_v<BeginT,EndT>) {
CHECK (m_begin <= m_end);
template <
typename ContainerT,
typename = std::void_t<
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT&> ().begin ()),
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT&> ().end ())
view (ContainerT &rhs) noexcept (
noexcept (std::declval<ContainerT> ().begin ()) &&
noexcept (std::declval<ContainerT> ().end ())
: view (rhs.begin (), rhs.end ())
{ ; }
template <
typename ContainerT,
typename = std::void_t<
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT const&> ().begin ()),
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT const&> ().end ())
view (const ContainerT &rhs):
view (rhs.begin (), rhs.end ())
{ ; }
// Construction from pointer/size representations for ease of use with
// legacy C code.
template <
typename CountT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<CountT>,void>
constexpr view (
const BeginT &_begin,
CountT _size
) : view (_begin, _begin + _size)
{ ; }
// implicit conversion from const pointer const views to const pointer views
template <
typename ValueT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same_v<BeginT, const ValueT**> &&
std::is_same_v<EndT, const ValueT**>
view (const view<const ValueT*const*,const ValueT*const*> &rhs):
view (
const_cast<const ValueT**> (rhs.begin ()),
const_cast<const ValueT**> (rhs.end ())
{ ; }
// implicit conversion from pointer views to const pointer views
template <
typename ValueT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same_v<BeginT, const ValueT*> &&
std::is_same_v<EndT, const ValueT*>
view (const view<ValueT*,ValueT*> &rhs):
view (rhs.begin (), rhs.end ())
{ ; }
// explicitly cater for the char array case so that we don't
// accidentally include the trailing null in the data.
template <std::size_t N>
view (const char (&value)[N]):
view {std::begin (value), std::begin (value) + N - 1}
static_assert (N > 0);
view (const char *str):
view { str, str + strlen (str) }
{ ; }
view (char *str):
view (str, str + strlen (str))
{ ; }
template <std::size_t N>
view (char (&value)[N]):
view {std::begin (value), std::begin (value) + N - 1}
static_assert (N > 0);
template <std::size_t N, typename ValueT>
view (const ValueT(&value)[N]):
view {std::begin (value), std::end (value)}
{ ; }
template <std::size_t N, typename ValueT>
view (ValueT(&value)[N]):
view {std::begin (value), std::end (value)}
{ ; }
constexpr view (const view &) noexcept (
std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<BeginT> && std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<EndT>
) = default;
constexpr view (view &&) noexcept (
std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<BeginT> && std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<EndT>
) = default;
view& operator= (view const &rhs) noexcept (
std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable_v<BeginT> && std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable_v<EndT>
) = default;
view& operator= (view &&rhs) noexcept (
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<BeginT> && std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<EndT>
) = default;
// allow null construction of views where IteratorT is constructible
// from nullptr_t
// ideally we would avoid exposing this as it promotes use of nulls but
// it simplifies construction of views that are data members of classes
// when we may not immediately know the values we should contain.
constexpr view (std::nullptr_t) noexcept:
view {nullptr,nullptr}
{ ; }
template <typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
view (std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator> &val):
view (std::data (val), std::size (val))
{ ; }
template <typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
view (const std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator> &val):
view (std::data (val), std::size (val))
{ ; }
template <typename ValueT, typename AllocatorT>
view (const std::vector<ValueT,AllocatorT> &rhs):
view (std::data (rhs), std::size (rhs))
{ ; }
template <typename ValueT, typename AllocatorT>
view (std::vector<ValueT,AllocatorT> &rhs):
view (std::data (rhs), std::size (rhs))
{ ; }
template <typename ValueT, std::size_t N>
view (std::array<ValueT,N> &rhs):
view (std::data (rhs), std::size (rhs))
{ ; }
template <typename ValueT, std::size_t N>
view (const std::array<ValueT,N> &rhs):
view (std::data (rhs), std::size (rhs))
{ ; }
constexpr BeginT begin (void) noexcept { return m_begin; }
constexpr EndT end (void) noexcept { return m_end; }
constexpr BeginT begin (void) const noexcept { return m_begin; }
constexpr EndT end (void) const noexcept { return m_end; }
constexpr BeginT cbegin (void) const noexcept { return m_begin; }
constexpr EndT cend (void) const noexcept { return m_end; }
auto data (void) noexcept { return begin (); }
auto data (void) const noexcept { return begin (); }
auto& front (void) noexcept { return *m_begin; }
auto& front (void) const noexcept { return *m_begin; }
auto& back (void) noexcept { return *(m_end - 1); }
auto& back (void) const noexcept { return *(m_end - 1); }
/// Returns true if the size of the view is zero.
constexpr bool
empty (void) const noexcept
return m_begin == m_end;
/// Returns true if the view is not empty; ie, there is data remaining.
explicit constexpr operator bool () const noexcept
return not empty ();
/// Returns the number of items in the view.
constexpr auto
size (void) const noexcept
return static_cast<size_type> (std::distance (m_begin, m_end));
/// Returns a signed count of items in the view.
constexpr ssize_t
ssize (void) const noexcept
return std::distance (m_begin, m_end);
/// Returns a subview of the first `count` elements of this view.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
redim (size_type count) const
assert (count > 0);
if (count > size ())
throw std::invalid_argument ("redim to higher size not allowed");
return view { m_begin, m_begin + count };
/// Returns two subviews split at `pos`.
/// The first view extends from `begin` to `pos`, and the second view
/// extends from `pos` to `end`.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::pair<
split (BeginT pos) const
CHECK_GE (pos, m_begin);
CHECK_LE (pos, m_end );
return {
{ m_begin, pos },
{ pos, m_end }
template <
typename IndexT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IndexT>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
split (IndexT idx) const
// It's ok if `idx` points to the end iterator; this just means the
// second element of the returned pair is an empty view.
static_assert (
std::numeric_limits<IndexT>::max () <= std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max ()
CHECK_GE (idx, IndexT {0});
CHECK_LE (cruft::cast::lossless<size_type> (idx), size ());
auto last = m_begin;
std::advance (last, idx);
return split (last);
// slices a view using python indexing semantics. ie,
// "abc".slice(0, 3) == "abc"
// "abc".slice(0, -1) == "abc"
// "abc".slice(0, -2) == "ab"
template <typename IndexA, typename IndexB>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr
slice (IndexA a, IndexB b) const
CHECK_INCLUSIVE (cruft::abs (a), IndexA {0}, cruft::cast::lossless<IndexA> (size ()));
CHECK_INCLUSIVE (cruft::abs (b), IndexB {0}, cruft::cast::lossless<IndexB> (size ()));
auto first = m_begin;
auto last = m_begin;
std::advance (first, a < 0 ? size () + a + 1 : a);
std::advance (last, b < 0 ? size () + b + 1 : b);
return view { first, last };
template <
typename IndexT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IndexT>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
head (IndexT idx) const
return std::get<0> (split (idx));
template <
typename IndexT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IndexT>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
tail (IndexT idx) const
return std::get<1> (split (idx));
template <
typename IndexT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IndexT>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
consume (IndexT count) const
auto [a,b] = split (count);
return b;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr view<BeginT,EndT>
consume (view<BeginT,EndT> prefix) const
assert (prefix.begin () == begin ());
assert (prefix.end () < end ());
return { prefix.end (), end () };
[[nodiscard]] constexpr view<BeginT,EndT>
consume (const BeginT pos) const
return { pos, end () };
/// Explicitly cast to a view with different iterator types.
/// The source and destination iterator types must be:
/// * pointers
/// * alignable
/// It is undefined behaviour to cast with begin and/or end iterators
/// that do not have natural alignment. Instrumented builds _may_
/// provide diagnostics or assertions in this case.
/// \tparam ValueT The new iterator type
/// \return A view that uses the new iterator type
template <
typename ValueT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
// We can only convert views that use pointer iterators
std::is_pointer_v<BeginT> &&
std::is_pointer_v<EndT> &&
std::is_same_v<BeginT,EndT> &&
cast (void) const
// The values they point to must allow for alignment in one
// direction or another.
// We prefer a static_assert over SFINAE because it reduces the
// header burden for users (they do not need to include the
// implementation of the pointer values to satisfy
// iterator_traits), and it is quite unlikely we want to disable
// this only if alignment is incompatible).
static_assert (
sizeof (typename std::iterator_traits<BeginT>::value_type) %
sizeof (typename std::iterator_traits<ValueT>::value_type) == 0 ||
sizeof (typename std::iterator_traits<ValueT>::value_type) %
sizeof (typename std::iterator_traits<BeginT>::value_type) == 0
return {
cast::alignment<ValueT> (m_begin),
cast::alignment<ValueT> (m_end)
constexpr auto&&
operator[] (size_t idx) noexcept
CHECK_GE (idx, 0u);
CHECK_LT (idx, size ());
return *std::next (begin (), idx);
constexpr auto&&
operator[] (size_t idx) const noexcept
CHECK_GE (idx, 0u);
CHECK_LT (idx, size ());
return *std::next (begin (), idx);
BeginT m_begin;
EndT m_end;
template <typename ValueT, std::size_t N>
view (ValueT(&)[N]) -> view<ValueT*,ValueT*>;
view (const char*) -> view<const char*, const char*>;
view (char*) -> view<char*>;
template <
typename IteratorT,
typename SizeT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
view (IteratorT, SizeT) -> view<IteratorT,IteratorT>;
template <typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
view (
std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator> &
) -> view<
typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer
template <typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
view (
const std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator> &
) -> view<
typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_pointer
template <typename ValueT, typename AllocatorT>
view (
) -> view<typename std::allocator_traits<AllocatorT>::pointer>;
template <typename ValueT, typename AllocatorT>
view (
const std::vector<ValueT,AllocatorT>&
) -> view<
typename std::allocator_traits<AllocatorT>::const_pointer
template <typename ValueT, std::size_t N>
view (std::array<ValueT,N>&) -> view<ValueT*>;
template <typename ValueT, std::size_t N>
view (const std::array<ValueT,N>&) -> view<const ValueT*>;
template <typename ContainerT>
view (ContainerT&) -> view<
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT&> ().begin ()),
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT&> ().end ())
template <typename ContainerT>
view (const ContainerT&) -> view<
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT const&> ().begin ()),
decltype (std::declval<ContainerT const&> ().end ())
// base + count constructor
template <typename BeginT>
view (BeginT, std::uint64_t count) -> view<BeginT,BeginT>;
template <typename BeginT>
view (BeginT, std::uint32_t count) -> view<BeginT,BeginT>;
template <typename IteratorT>
view (IteratorT, int) -> view<IteratorT, IteratorT>;
template <typename ValueT, size_t N>
make_view (const ValueT (&arr)[N])
return view<const ValueT*> (arr + 0, arr + N);
template <typename ContainerT>
make_view (ContainerT &t)
return view { std::begin (t), std::end (t) };
template <typename ContainerT>
make_view (const ContainerT &t)
return view { std::cbegin (t), std::cend (t) };
// disable the possibility of creating a view to a temporary. note that
// this only works if an lval version has already been defined otherwise
// universal reference rules will capture both lval and rval here.
template <typename ContainerT>
make_view (ContainerT&&) = delete;
template <typename ContainerT>
make_cview (const ContainerT &t)
return make_view (t);
//return view<decltype(std::cbegin (t))> { std::cbegin (t), std::cend (t) };
template <typename BeginT, typename EndT>
make_view (BeginT first, EndT last)
return view<BeginT, EndT> {first, last};
template <typename ValueT>
make_cview (ValueT *first, ValueT *last)
return view<const ValueT*> {first, last};
view<const char*> make_view (const char *str)
return { str, str + strlen (str) };
view<char*> make_view (char *str)
return { str, str + strlen (str) };
template <typename CharT, typename TraitsT, typename AllocT>
view<const CharT*>
make_view (const std::basic_string<CharT,TraitsT,AllocT> &str)
return {
std::data (str),
std::data (str) + std::size (str)
template <typename CharT, typename TraitsT, typename AllocT>
make_view (std::basic_string<CharT,TraitsT,AllocT> &str)
return {
std::data (str),
std::data (str) + std::size (str)
template <typename CharT, typename TraitsT, typename AllocT>
view<const CharT*>
make_view (const std::basic_string<CharT,TraitsT,AllocT>&&) = delete;
template <typename CharT, typename TraitsT, typename AllocT>
make_view (std::basic_string<CharT,TraitsT,AllocT>&&) = delete;
/// Calculates a word oriented view over an arbitrary type
/// Useful for passing in memory structures to file descriptors and the
/// like. but the consequences of endian conversion is on the user...
/// We have to be careful that rval-references and other temporaries aren't
/// accepted in this signature.
template <
typename WordT = std::byte const,
typename T
make_byte_view (T &t)
static_assert (sizeof (T) % sizeof (WordT) == 0);
static_assert (std::is_const_v<T> ? std::is_const_v<WordT> : true);
return view {
cast::alignment<WordT*> (&t),
sizeof (T) / sizeof (WordT)
template <typename BeginT, typename EndT, typename FunctionT>
view<BeginT, EndT>
trim_if [[nodiscard]] (
view<BeginT, EndT> const buffer,
FunctionT &&test
) {
auto const first = std::find_if_not (
std::begin (buffer),
std::end (buffer),
auto const last = std::find_if_not (
std::make_reverse_iterator (buffer.end ()),
std::make_reverse_iterator (first),
return view (first, last.base ());
template <typename IteratorT>
std::pair<view<IteratorT>, view<IteratorT>>
split_on (
view<IteratorT> const buffer,
typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorT>::value_type const value
) {
auto const pos = std::find (std::begin (buffer), std::end (buffer), value);
if (pos == std::end (buffer))
return {
{std::end (buffer), std::end (buffer)}
return {
{ buffer.begin (), pos, },
{ pos + 1, buffer.end () }
/// Returns a reference to a value of the designated type at the front of
/// the word-view. if there is insufficient data for the extraction an
/// exception will be thrown.
/// There are no validity or other checks performed on the returned data
/// this is deliberate, so that the function is safe to call on user
/// supplied data during parsing routines. it is up to the user to ensure
/// the object is valid.
/// The buffer object is advanced in place so that it no longer covers
/// the extract value
/// It is assumed the user has taken care of alignment concerns
template <
typename ValueT,
typename WordT
extract (view<WordT*> &buffer)
// Only allow calls if the value is a multiple of the word size.
// It's useful to allow non-unit words for areas like TCP/IP which
// tend to include protocols that utilise u16 words.
static_assert (
sizeof (ValueT) % sizeof (WordT) == 0,
"The value type must be a multiple of the word size"
static_assert (
!std::is_const_v<WordT> or std::is_const_v<ValueT>,
"buffer and output types must have matching constness"
if (unlikely (sizeof (ValueT) > buffer.size () * sizeof (WordT)))
throw std::runtime_error ("insufficient data for extraction");
auto ptr = cast::alignment<ValueT*> ( ());
buffer = buffer.consume (sizeof (ValueT) / sizeof (WordT));
return *ptr;
/// Returns a view of the specified type cast from the front of a
/// byte-view.
/// There may be runtime checks for alignment under debug builds.
/// It is safe to use this on untrusted input. However absolutely no
/// validation is performed on the result data.
template <
typename ValueT,
typename WordT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof (ValueT) % sizeof(WordT) == 0>
extract_array (view<WordT*> &src, std::size_t count)
static_assert (
std::is_const_v<ValueT> == std::is_const_v<WordT>,
"src and dst types must have matching constness"
auto const src_size = sizeof (ValueT) / sizeof (WordT) * count;
if (unlikely (src.size () < src_size))
throw std::runtime_error ("Insufficient data for extraction");
auto res = src.template cast<ValueT*> ().redim (count);
src = src.consume (src_size);
return res;
/// extracts an object of a specified type from the front of a byte-view.
/// in contrast to 'extract' this will always copy the bytes out from the
/// view, making the operation alignment safe.
/// It is safe to use this on untrusted input.
template <
typename ValueT,
typename WordT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof (ValueT) % sizeof(WordT) == 0>
read (view<WordT*> &buffer)
// We're going to use memcpy which requires that the type is
// trivially copyable.
static_assert (std::is_trivially_copyable_v<ValueT>);
if (unlikely (sizeof (ValueT) > buffer.size () * sizeof (WordT)))
throw std::runtime_error ("insufficient data for extraction");
std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(ValueT),alignof(ValueT)> bytes;
memcpy (&bytes, (), sizeof (ValueT));
buffer = buffer.consume (sizeof (ValueT) / sizeof (WordT));
return *reinterpret_cast<ValueT const*> (&bytes);
template <
typename ValueT,
typename WordT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof (ValueT) % sizeof (WordT) == 0>
write [[nodiscard]] (view<WordT*> const &dst, ValueT const &src)
static_assert (std::is_trivially_copyable_v<ValueT>);
if (unlikely (sizeof (ValueT) > dst.size () * sizeof (WordT)))
throw std::runtime_error ("insufficient data for extraction");
memcpy ( (), &src, sizeof (ValueT));
return {
dst.begin () + sizeof (ValueT) / sizeof (WordT),
dst.end (),
template <
typename ValueT,
typename WordT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof (ValueT) % sizeof (WordT) == 0>
write [[nodiscard]] (view<WordT*> const &dst, cruft::view<ValueT const*> src)
static_assert (std::is_trivially_copyable_v<ValueT>);
if (unlikely (src.size () * sizeof (ValueT) > dst.size () * sizeof (WordT)))
throw std::runtime_error ("insufficient data for extraction");
memcpy ( (), (),
src.size () * sizeof (ValueT)
return {
dst.begin () + (sizeof (ValueT) / sizeof (WordT)) * src.size (),
dst.end (),
/// Tests whether an iterator falls within a given view.
template <typename IteratorT>
constexpr bool
intersects (view<IteratorT> a, IteratorT b)
return b >= a.begin () && b < a.end ();
/// Tests whether view `a` inclusively contains view `b`.
template <typename IteratorA, typename IteratorB>
constexpr bool
covers (
view<IteratorA,IteratorB> const &a,
view<IteratorA,IteratorB> const &b
) {
return a.begin () <= b.begin () && a.end () >= b.end ();
template <
typename BeginA, typename EndA,
typename BeginB, typename EndB,
typename ComparatorT
equal (
view<BeginA,EndA> const &a,
view<BeginB,EndB> const &b,
ComparatorT &&cmp
) {
return std::equal (
std::begin (a), std::end (a),
std::begin (b), std::end (b),
std::forward<ComparatorT> (cmp)
template <
typename BeginA, typename EndA,
typename BeginB, typename EndB
constexpr bool
equal (const view<BeginA,EndA> &a, const view<BeginB,EndB> &b)
return ::cruft::equal (a, b, std::equal_to<void> {});
// defer equality to the view/view operator by way of make_view
template <
typename IteratorA,
typename IteratorB,
typename ValueT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same_v<ValueT, view<IteratorA,IteratorB>>,
constexpr bool
equal (const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &a, const ValueT &b)
return equal (a, make_view (b));
// reverse the arguments and forward to the above operator. we formumlate
// equality this way to avoid implementing the operator twice for each
// weird case.
template <
typename IteratorA,
typename IteratorB,
typename ValueT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same_v<ValueT, view<IteratorA,IteratorB>>,
constexpr bool
equal (const ValueT &a, const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &b)
return equal (b, a);
template <typename IteratorA, typename IteratorB>
constexpr bool
operator== (const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &a, const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &b)
return a.begin () == b.begin () && a.end () == b.end ();
template <typename IteratorA, typename IteratorB>
constexpr bool
operator!= (const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &a, const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &b)
return !(a == b);
template <
typename IteratorA,
typename IteratorB,
typename ValueT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same_v<ValueT, view<IteratorA,IteratorB>>,
constexpr bool
operator!= (const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &a, const ValueT &b)
return !(a == b);
template <
typename IteratorA,
typename IteratorB,
typename ValueT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same_v<ValueT, view<IteratorA,IteratorB>>,
constexpr bool
operator!= (const ValueT &a, const view<IteratorA,IteratorB> &b)
return !(a == b);
template <typename BeginT, typename EndT>
operator<< (std::ostream &os, view<BeginT, EndT> val)
std::copy (
std::cbegin (val),
std::cend (val),
std::ostream_iterator<typename decltype(val)::value_type> (os)
return os;
/// a basic stringlike comparison operator that behaves as
/// std::string::compare would.
/// provided so that the common case of stringlike views can be used in a
/// std::map and similar without a great deal of work.
inline bool
operator< (view<const char*> a, view<const char*> b)
const auto la = std::size (a);
const auto lb = std::size (b);
const auto res = strncmp (
std::data (a),
std::data (b),
min (la, lb)
return res < 0 || (res == 0 && la < lb);
#include "debug/validate.hpp"
namespace cruft::debug {
template <typename IteratorT, typename ...ArgsT>
struct validator<
> {
static bool
is_valid (view<IteratorT> data, ArgsT &&...args)
return std::all_of (
std::begin (data),
std::end (data),
[&] (auto const &i)
return ::cruft::debug::is_valid (i, args...);