#include "encode/number.hpp" #include "tap.hpp" #include int main () { static struct { char const *str; unsigned value; } const TESTS[] = { { "0", 0 }, { "a", 10 }, { "A", 10 }, { "10", 36 }, { "11", 37 }, { "bfi0", 533304 }, { "15bfi0", 69397560 }, }; cruft::TAP::logger tap; for (auto const &t: TESTS) { // decode the truth string and test against the truth number cruft::view src (t.str); tap.expect_eq (cruft::encode::decode36 (src), t.value, "base36 decode '{}'", t.str); // encode the truth number std::ostringstream dst; cruft::encode::encode36 (std::ostream_iterator (dst), t.value); // covert computed and truth strings to lower case std::string encoded_computed = dst.str (); std::string encoded_truth = t.str; std::transform (encoded_computed.begin (), encoded_computed.end (), encoded_computed.begin (), ::tolower); std::transform (encoded_truth.begin (), encoded_truth.end (), encoded_truth.begin (), ::tolower); // compare lower case encoded strings tap.expect_eq (encoded_computed, encoded_truth, "base36 encode '{}'", t.value); } return tap.status (); }