/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Copyright 2012-2016 Danny Robson */ #include "log.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "types.hpp" #include "time.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// convert a string representation of a log-level into an enumeration value. /// /// conversion is case insensitive /// throws std::range_error if unable to convert static util::level_t to_level (std::string name) { static const std::map NAME_LEVELS = { { "EMERGENCY", util::EMERGENCY }, { "ALERT", util::ALERT }, { "CRITICAL", util::CRITICAL }, { "ERROR", util::ERROR }, { "WARN", util::WARN }, { "WARNING", util::WARN }, { "NOTICE", util::NOTICE }, { "INFO", util::INFO }, { "INFORMATIONAL", util::INFO }, { "DEBUG", util::DEBUG } }; std::transform (name.cbegin (), name.cend (), name.begin (), ::toupper); auto pos = NAME_LEVELS.find (name); if (pos == NAME_LEVELS.end ()) throw std::range_error (name); return pos->second; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::ostream& util::operator<< (std::ostream& os, util::level_t l) { switch (l) { case util::EMERGENCY: return os << "EMERGENCY"; case util::ALERT: return os << "ALERT"; case util::CRITICAL: return os << "CRITICAL"; case util::ERROR: return os << "ERROR"; case util::WARNING: return os << "WARNING"; case util::NOTICE: return os << "NOTICE"; case util::INFORMATIONAL: return os << "INFO"; case util::DEBUG: return os << "DEBUG"; default: unreachable (); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static util::level_t log_level (void) { const char *env = getenv ("LOG_LEVEL"); if (!env) return util::DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; try { return to_level (env); } catch (...) { return util::DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool needs_break (util::level_t level) { static util::level_t break_level; static bool has_level = [&] (void) { const char *env = getenv ("BREAK_LEVEL"); if (!env) return false; try { break_level = to_level (env); return true; } catch (...) { return false; } } (); return has_level && level <= break_level; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void util::log (util::level_t level, const std::string &msg) { // fire a breakpoint before the following early exit if (needs_break (level)) breakpoint (); static const util::level_t LOG_LEVEL = log_level (); if (level > LOG_LEVEL) return; static const size_t time_len = strlen("YYYY-mm-dd HHMMhSS") + 1; std::string time_string (time_len - 1, '\0'); time_t unix_time = time (nullptr); if (0 == strftime (&time_string[0], time_len, "%Y-%m-%d %H%Mh%S", localtime (&unix_time))) { warn ("failed to log time"); return; } std::cerr << time_string << " [" << level << "] " << msg << std::endl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// util::scoped_logger::scoped_logger (util::level_t _level, std::string _message): m_level (_level), m_message (std::move (_message)) { ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- util::scoped_logger::~scoped_logger () { log (m_level, m_message); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// util::scoped_timer::scoped_timer (util::level_t _level, std::string _message): m_level (_level), m_message (std::move (_message)), m_start (util::nanoseconds ()) { ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- util::scoped_timer::~scoped_timer () { auto finish = util::nanoseconds (); auto duration = finish - m_start; log (m_level, "%fs, %s", duration / 1'000'000'000.f, m_message); }