/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Copyright 2015 Danny Robson */ #include "bezier.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "polynomial.hpp" #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template util::bezier::bezier (const util::point2f (&_points)[S+1]) { std::copy (_points, _points + S + 1, m_points); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> point2f bezier<1>::eval (float t) const { CHECK_GE (t, 0); CHECK_LE (t, 1); auto v0 = (1 - t) * m_points[0]; auto v1 = t * m_points[1]; return { v0.x + v1.x, v0.y + v1.y }; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> point2f bezier<2>::eval (float t) const { CHECK_GE (t, 0); CHECK_LE (t, 1); auto v0 = pow2 (1 - t) * m_points[0]; auto v1 = 2 * (1 - t) * t * m_points[1]; auto v2 = pow2 (t) * m_points[2]; return { v0.x + v1.x + v2.x, v0.y + v1.y + v2.y }; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> point2f bezier<3>::eval (float t) const { CHECK_GE (t, 0); CHECK_LE (t, 1); auto v0 = pow (1 - t, 3) * m_points[0]; auto v1 = 3 * pow2 (1 - t) * t * m_points[1]; auto v2 = 3 * pow2 (1 - t) * t * m_points[2]; auto v3 = pow (t, 3) * m_points[3]; return { v0.x + v1.x + v2.x + v3.x, v0.y + v1.y + v2.y + v3.y }; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> float bezier<1>::distance (util::point2f target) const { auto v = m_points[1] - m_points[0]; auto w = target - m_points[0]; auto c1 = dot (w, v); if (c1 <= 0) return util::distance (target, m_points[0]); auto c2 = dot (v, v); if (c2 <= c1) return util::distance (target, m_points[1]); auto b = c1 / c2; auto p = m_points[0] + b * v; return util::distance (target, p); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> std::array bezier<3>::coeffs (void) const { const auto &v = m_coeffs; return { -1.f * v[0] +3.f * v[1] -3.f * v[2] +1.f * v[3], 3.f * v[0] -6.f * v[1] +3.f * v[2], -3.f * v[0] +3.f * v[1], 1.f * v[0] }; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> std::array bezier<2>::coeffs (void) const { auto &v = m_coeffs; return { +1.f * v[2] -2.f * v[1] + 1.f * v[0], -2.f * v[2] +2.f * v[1], +1.f * v[2] }; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> std::array bezier<1>::coeffs (void) const { auto &v = m_coeffs; return { -1.f * v[1] + 1.f * v[0], +1.f * v[1], }; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XXX: If the line is co-linear we'll have no solutions. But we return 1 // anyway as this function is used to find any point that intersects as part // of other more comprehensive tests. template size_t util::bezier::intersections (point2f p0, point2f p1) const { float A = p1.y - p0.y; // A = y2 - y1 float B = p0.x - p1.x; // B = x1 - x2 float C = p0.x * (p0.y - p1.y) + // C = x1 (y1 - y2) + y1 (x2 - x1) p0.y * (p1.x - p0.x); // Build the intersection polynomial const std::array bcoeff = coeffs (); std::array pcoeff; for (size_t i = 0; i < pcoeff.size (); ++i) pcoeff[i] = A * bcoeff[i].x + B * bcoeff[i].y; pcoeff.back () += C; const auto r = polynomial::roots (pcoeff); // The curve and line are colinear if (std::all_of (r.begin (), r.end (), [] (auto i) { return std::isnan (i); })) return 1; size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < S; ++i) { // Ensure the solutions are on the curve const auto t = r[i]; if (std::isnan (t)) break; if (t < 0.f || t > 1.f) continue; // Find the line's intersection point const util::vector2f q = polynomial::eval (bcoeff, t); const auto s = almost_equal (p0.x, p1.x) ? (q.y-p0.y) / (p1.y-p0.y) : (q.x-p0.x) / (p1.x-p0.x) ; // vertical // Check if the point is on the line if (s >= 0.f && s <= 1.f) ++count; } return count; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { template <> float bezier<2>::distance (util::point2f target) const { // Using procedure from: http://blog.gludion.com/2009/08/distance-to-quadratic-bezier-curve.html auto p0 = m_points[0]; auto p1 = m_points[1]; auto p2 = m_points[2]; // Parametric form: P(t) = (1-t)^2*P0 + 2t(1-t)P1 + t^2*P2 // // Derivative: dP/dt = -2(1-t)P0 + 2(1-2t)P1 + 2tP2 // = 2(A+Bt), A=(P1-P0), B=(P2-P1-A) // auto A = p1 - p0; auto B = p2 - p1 - A; // Make: dot(target, dP/dt) == 0 // dot (M - P(t), A+Bt) == 0 // // Solve: at^3 + bt^2 + ct + d, // a = B^2, // b = 3A.B, // c = 2A^2+M'.B, // d = M'.A, // M' = P0-M const auto M = target; const auto M_ = p0 - M; float a = dot (B, B); float b = 3.f * dot (A, B); float c = 2.f * dot (A, A) + dot (M_, B); float d = dot (M_, A); // We have our cubic, so pass off to the solver auto solutions = util::polynomial::roots<3> ({a, b, c, d}); // Find the smallest distance and return float dist = std::numeric_limits::infinity (); for (auto t: solutions) { if (std::isnan (t)) continue; if (t <= 0) dist = min (dist, util::distance (target, p0)); else if (t > 1) dist = min (util::distance (target, p2)); else { auto p = eval (t); dist = min (dist, util::distance (target, p)); } } return dist; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float refine_cubic (util::bezier<3> b, util::point2f target, float t, float d, float p) { // TODO: use an iteration of newton before handing back if (p < 0.00001) { return t; } float t_l = std::max (0.f, t - p); float t_r = std::min (1.f, t + p); util::point2f p_l = b.eval (t_l); util::point2f p_r = b.eval (t_r); float d_l = util::distance (target, p_l); float d_r = util::distance (target, p_r); if (d_l < d) { return refine_cubic (b, target, t_l, d_l, p); } if (d_r < d) { return refine_cubic (b, target, t_r, d_r, p); } return refine_cubic (b, target, t, d, p / 2); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace util { // TODO: use a more reliable method like [Xiao-Dia Chen 2010] template <> float bezier<3>::distance (util::point2f target) const { static constexpr size_t SUBDIV = 32; std::array lookup; for (size_t i = 0; i < SUBDIV; ++i) lookup[i] = eval (i / float (SUBDIV - 1)); size_t best = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i < lookup.size (); ++i) { auto d_i = util::distance2 (target, lookup[i]); auto d_b = util::distance2 (target, lookup[best]); if (d_i < d_b) best = i; } return refine_cubic (*this, target, best / float (SUBDIV - 1), util::distance (target, lookup[best]), 1.f / SUBDIV); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template util::region2f util::bezier::region (void) const { float x0 = m_points[0].x; float y0 = m_points[0].y; float x1 = x0; float y1 = y0; for (size_t i = 1; i < S+1; ++i) { x0 = min (x0, m_points[i].x); y0 = min (y0, m_points[i].y); x1 = max (x1, m_points[i].x); y1 = max (y1, m_points[i].y); } util::point2f p0 { x0, y0 }; util::point2f p1 { x1, y1 }; return { p0, p1 }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template util::point2f& util::bezier::operator[] (size_t idx) { CHECK_LE (idx, S); return m_points[idx]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template const util::point2f& util::bezier::operator[] (size_t idx) const { CHECK_LE (idx, S); return m_points[idx]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const util::point2f* util::bezier::begin (void) const { return std::cbegin (m_points); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template const util::point2f* util::bezier::end (void) const { return std::cend (m_points); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template const util::point2f* util::bezier::cbegin (void) const { return std::cbegin (m_points); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template const util::point2f* util::bezier::cend (void) const { return std::cend (m_points); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template std::ostream& util::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const bezier &b) { os << b[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < S+1; ++i) os << ", " << b[i]; return os; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define INSTANTIATE(S) \ template class util::bezier; \ template std::ostream& util::operator<< (std::ostream&, const bezier&); INSTANTIATE(1) INSTANTIATE(2) INSTANTIATE(3)