#include "image.hpp" #include "noise.hpp" #include "noise/fractal/fbm.hpp" #include "noise/fractal/rmf.hpp" #include "noise/fractal/hmf.hpp" #include "noise/fractal/hetero.hpp" #include "noise/lerp.hpp" #include "noise/basis/constant.hpp" #include "noise/basis/value.hpp" #include "noise/basis/perlin.hpp" #include "noise/basis/worley.hpp" #include "noise/turbulence.hpp" #include "extent.hpp" #include "colour.hpp" #include "netpbm.hpp" #include "types.hpp" template struct util::noise::fractal::fbm>; template struct util::noise::fractal::hmf>; template struct util::noise::fractal::rmf>; template struct util::noise::fractal::hetero>; // create a coloured map with this gradient (from libnoise tut3) static const struct { float scale; util::colour3u value; } GRADPOINT[] = { {-1000000.f, { 0, 0, 128 } }, { 0 / 32.f, { 0, 0, 128 } }, // deeps { 12 / 32.f, { 0, 0, 255 } }, // shallow { 16 / 32.f, { 0, 128, 255 } }, // shore { 17 / 32.f, { 240, 240, 64 } }, // sand { 18 / 32.f, { 32, 160, 0 } }, // grass { 22 / 32.f, { 224, 224, 0 } }, // dirt { 28 / 32.f, { 128, 128, 128 } }, // rock { 32 / 32.f, { 255, 255, 255 } }, // snow { 1000000.f, { 255, 255, 255 } }, }; void write_map (const util::image::buffer &map, boost::filesystem::path name) { std::unique_ptr coloured (new uint8_t[map.w * map.h * 3]); for (size_t i = 0; i < map.w * map.h; ++i) { auto v = map[i] + 0/32.f; auto c1 = std::upper_bound (std::begin (GRADPOINT), std::end (GRADPOINT), v, [] (auto a, auto b) { return a < b.scale; }); auto c0 = c1-1; CHECK_GE (v, c0->scale); CHECK_LT (v, c1->scale); float t = (v - c0->scale) / (c1->scale - c0->scale); CHECK_LIMIT (t, 0, 1); auto c = ( (1 - t) * c0->value.template cast () + ( t) * c1->value.template cast () ).template cast (); coloured[i*3+0] = c[0]; coloured[i*3+1] = c[1]; coloured[i*3+2] = c[2]; } name.replace_extension (".ppm"); util::ppm::write (coloured.get (), map.w, map.h, map.w*3, name); // write the image to disk auto grey = map.clone (); name.replace_extension (".pgm"); util::pgm::write (grey, name); } void adjust_ocean (util::image::buffer &height, const float percentage = .2f) { static const float WATER_HEIGHT = 0.5f; CHECK_LIMIT (percentage, 0, 1); // we assume fully packed data for iteration purposes CHECK (height.is_packed ()); std::array buckets{ 0 }; for (const auto h: height) buckets[h * 255]++; size_t pivot = 0; for (size_t accum = 0, target = percentage * height.area (); pivot < buckets.size (); ++pivot) { accum += buckets[pivot]; if (accum > target) break; } std::cerr << "pivot: " << pivot << '\n'; float offset = WATER_HEIGHT - pivot / 256.f; for (auto &h: height) h += offset; } int main (void) { // setup the output buffer #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUGGING util::extent2u size {320, 240}; #else util::extent2u size {1920, 1080}; #endif util::image::buffer img (size); uint64_t seed = time (nullptr); // setup the noise generator #if 0 //util::noise::fractal::fbm> b (seed); //util::noise::fractal::rmf> b (seed); //util::noise::fractal::fbm> b (seed); //util::noise::fractal::rmf> b (seed); //util::noise::fractal::hmf> b (seed); util::noise::fractal::hetero> b (seed); b.octaves (8); b.frequency (10.f / size.w); b.lacunarity = 2.f; b.H = 1.0f; b.seed (seed); #else util::noise::turbulence< float, //util::noise::fractal::hetero>, util::noise::fractal::hetero>, util::noise::fractal::fbm> > b (seed, { 0.13f, 0.13f }); b.data.frequency (1.f / size.w); b.perturb[0].octaves (4); b.perturb[1].octaves (4); b.perturb[0].frequency (10.f / size.w); b.perturb[1].frequency (10.f / size.w); #endif // generate the values. offset positions slightly to observe simple axis issues with perlin basis { auto offset = util::vector2f { -100 }; for (size_t y = 0; y < size.h; ++y) for (size_t x = 0; x < size.w; ++x) { auto v = b (util::point2f {float (x), float (y)} + offset); img.data ()[y * size.w + x] = v; } } // rescale into the range [0, 1] auto range = std::minmax_element (img.begin (), img.end ()); auto offset = *range.first; auto div = *range.second - *range.first; std::cerr << "range: [" << *range.first << ", " << *range.second << "]\n"; std::transform (img.begin (), img.end (), img.begin (), [offset,div] (auto i) { return (i - offset) / div; }); // ensure the ocean isn't too big adjust_ocean (img, 0.2f); // write the images to disk write_map (img, "noise"); }