/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright 2010-2018 Danny Robson */ #pragma once #include "iota.hpp" #include "../concepts.hpp" #include "../tuple/value.hpp" #include "../variadic.hpp" #include "../functor.hpp" namespace cruft::iterator { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace detail::zip { /// A container that holds multiple iterators and returns a tuple of /// their results when dereferenced. template < typename IteratorT, typename = std::make_index_sequence> > class zipped_iterator; template < typename IteratorT, std::size_t ...IndexV > class zipped_iterator< IteratorT, std::index_sequence > { public: // We can't declare ourselves as a forward_iterator because we're // unable to supply references to our value_type when we get // dereferenced unless we store the supplied values/references // inside ourself. // // This complicates implementation too much given we have no // pressing need for this functionality. using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = std::tuple< typename std::iterator_traits< std::tuple_element_t >::reference... >; using reference = value_type; using pointer = value_type*; zipped_iterator (IteratorT _iterators) : m_iterators (std::move (_iterators)) { ; } zipped_iterator& operator++ (void) { (++std::get (m_iterators), ...); return *this; } zipped_iterator operator++ (int); // Do NOT use std::forward_as_tuple here. It favours rvalue // references which aren't useful after we've returned. decltype // gives us lvalues and lvalue-references. // // If you insist on using another approach then you should test // under a sanitizer (debug and release) before you commit the // changes. auto operator* (void) { return std::tuple< decltype (*std::get (m_iterators))... > ( *std::get (m_iterators)... ); } // Do NOT use std::forward_as_tuple here. It favours rvalue // references which aren't useful after we've returned. decltype // gives us lvalues and lvalue-references. // // If you insist on using another approach then you should test // under a sanitizer (debug and release) before you commit the // changes. auto operator* (void) const { return std::tuple< std::add_const_t< decltype(*std::get (m_iterators)) >... > ( *std::get (m_iterators)... ); } bool operator== (zipped_iterator const &rhs) const { return m_iterators == rhs.m_iterators; } bool operator!= (zipped_iterator const &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } private: IteratorT m_iterators; }; template zipped_iterator (TupleT) -> zipped_iterator; /// A simple container for multiple collections that returns a /// wrapped multi-iterator for begin and end. /// /// It is up to the user to ensure StoreT does not contain dangling /// references. /// /// \tparam StoreT A tuple-like object of collections (or references /// to collections). template < typename StoreT, typename = std::make_index_sequence< std::tuple_size_v > > class collection; template < typename StoreT, std::size_t ...IndexV > class collection< StoreT, std::index_sequence > { public: collection (StoreT _store) : m_store (std::move (_store)) { ; } auto begin (void)& { return zipped_iterator ( std::tuple ( std::begin ( std::get (m_store) )... ) ); } auto begin (void) const& { return zipped_iterator ( std::tuple ( std::begin (std::get (m_store))... ) ); } auto end (void)& { return zipped_iterator ( std::tuple ( std::end (std::get (m_store))... ) ); } auto end (void) const & { return zipped_iterator ( std::tuple ( std::end (std::get (m_store))... ) ); } /// Returns the number of elements in the sequence. decltype (auto) size (void) const { // All stores should have the same size so we arbitrarily pick // the first to query. return std::size (std::get<0> (m_store)); } private: StoreT m_store; }; } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Takes a variable number of container arguments and returns an interable /// object with a value_type that is a tuple of the each container's /// value_type. /// /// The returned iterator value_type is suitable for using in range-for /// and structured bindings (and really, that's the entire point here). /// /// eg, cruft::zip ({1,2,3}, {4,5,6}) ~= {{1,4},{2,5},{3,6}} template requires (cruft::concepts::iterable && ...) decltype(auto) zip (ContainerT&&... data) { CHECK (((std::size (data) == std::size (variadic::get<0> (data...))) && ...)); return detail::zip::collection> ( std::forward_as_tuple ( std::forward (data)... ) ); } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Takes a variable number of containers and returns a zipped iterable /// object where the first of the iterator's value_types is the index of /// that iterator. ie, It combines container offsets with value_types. /// /// The supplied containers _must_ not change size while the izip object /// is live. The size of the containers may be cached for efficiency. /// /// eg, cruft::izip ("abc") ~= {{0,'a'},{1,'b'},{2,'c'}} template requires (cruft::concepts::iterable && ...) decltype(auto) izip (ContainerT&&... data) { // Assume that all containers are the same size and create a range // that will supply integral indices over the first container. // // The call to `zip` will peform more rigorous tests on the sizes // of the container collection. return zip ( iota ( std::size (::cruft::variadic::get<0> (data...)) ), std::forward (data)... ); } }