/* * This file is part of libgim. * * libgim is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * libgim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with libgim. If not, see . * * Copyright 2010 Danny Robson */ #include "matrix.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "range.hpp" #include "maths.hpp" #include using namespace maths; matrix::matrix (size_t _rows, size_t _columns): m_rows (_rows), m_columns (_columns), m_data (NULL) { if (m_rows <= 0 || m_columns <= 0) throw std::runtime_error ("rows and columns must be positive"); m_data = new double[size ()]; } matrix::matrix (size_t _rows, size_t _columns, const std::initializer_list &_data): m_rows (_rows), m_columns (_columns), m_data (NULL) { if (m_rows <= 0 || m_columns <= 0) throw std::runtime_error ("rows and columns must be positive"); if (size () != _data.size ()) throw std::runtime_error ("element and initializer size differs"); check_hard (m_rows * m_columns == _data.size()); m_data = new double[size ()]; std::copy (_data.begin (), _data.end (), m_data); } matrix::matrix (const std::initializer_list &rhs): m_rows (rhs.size ()), m_columns (rhs.begin()->size ()), m_data (new double[m_rows * m_columns]) { double *row_cursor = m_data; for (auto i = rhs.begin (); i != rhs.end (); ++i) { check (i->size () == m_columns); std::copy (i->data (), i->data () + i->size (), row_cursor); row_cursor += m_columns; } } matrix::matrix (const matrix &rhs): m_rows (rhs.m_rows), m_columns (rhs.m_columns) { m_data = new double [m_rows * m_columns]; std::copy (rhs.m_data, rhs.m_data + m_rows * m_columns, m_data); } matrix::matrix (matrix &&rhs): m_rows (rhs.m_rows), m_columns (rhs.m_columns), m_data (rhs.m_data) { rhs.m_data = NULL; } matrix::~matrix() { delete [] m_data; } void matrix::sanity (void) const { check (m_rows > 0); check (m_columns > 0); check (m_data != NULL); } const double * matrix::operator [] (unsigned int row) const { check_hard (row < m_rows); return m_data + row * m_columns; } double * matrix::operator [] (unsigned int row) { check_hard (row < m_rows); return m_data + row * m_columns; } const double * matrix::data (void) const { return m_data; } matrix& matrix::operator =(const matrix& rhs) { if (size () != rhs.size ()) { delete [] m_data; m_data = new double [m_rows * m_columns]; } m_rows = rhs.m_rows; m_columns = rhs.m_columns; std::copy (rhs.m_data, rhs.m_data + m_rows * m_columns, m_data); return *this; } matrix matrix::operator * (double scalar) const { matrix val (*this); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_rows; ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_columns; ++j) val[i][j] *= scalar; return val; } matrix& matrix::operator *=(double scalar) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_rows; ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_columns; ++j) (*this)[i][j] *= scalar; return *this; } matrix& matrix::operator /= (double scalar) { return (*this) *= (1.0 / scalar); } matrix matrix::operator + (double scalar) const { matrix val (*this); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_rows; ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_columns; ++j) val[i][j] += scalar; return val; } matrix& matrix::operator +=(double scalar) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_rows; ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_columns; ++j) (*this)[i][j] += scalar; return *this; } matrix matrix::operator * (const matrix& rhs) const { if (m_columns != rhs.rows ()) throw std::invalid_argument ("matrices size mismatch in multiplication"); matrix val (matrix::zeroes (m_rows, rhs.columns ())); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_rows; ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rhs.columns (); ++j) for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m_columns; ++k) val[i][j] += (*this)[i][k] * rhs[k][j]; return val; } matrix& matrix::operator *=(const matrix& rhs) { return *this = *this * rhs; } bool matrix::operator ==(const matrix& rhs) const { if (rhs.rows () != rows () || rhs.columns () != columns ()) return false; return std::equal (m_data, m_data + size (), rhs.data ()); } //matrix transpose (void) const { ; } size_t matrix::rows (void) const { return m_rows; } size_t matrix::columns (void) const { return m_columns; } size_t matrix::size (void) const { return rows () * columns (); } bool matrix::is_square (void) const { return m_rows == m_columns; } bool matrix::is_magic (void) const { if (!is_square ()) return false; unsigned int expected = m_rows * (m_rows * m_rows + 1) / 2; range numbers (1, m_rows * m_rows); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_rows; ++i) { unsigned int sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_columns; ++j) { if (!numbers.contains ((*this)[i][j]) || !numbers.contains ((*this)[j][i])) return false; sum1 += (*this)[i][j]; sum2 += (*this)[j][i]; } if (sum1 != expected || sum2 != expected) return false; } return true; } bool matrix::is_homogeneous (void) const { if (m_rows != m_columns) return false; // Check the final row is all zeroes for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_columns - 1; ++i) { if (!almost_equal ((*this)[m_rows - 1][i], 0.)) return false; } // Except for the last element, which has to be one return almost_equal ((*this)[m_rows - 1][m_columns - 1], 1.); } double matrix::determinant (void) const { if (m_rows != m_columns) not_implemented (); switch (m_rows) { case 2: return determinant2x2 (); case 3: return determinant3x3 (); case 4: return determinant4x4 (); } not_implemented (); } // With matrix A = [ a, b ] // [ c, d ] // // det (A) = ad - bc double matrix::determinant2x2 (void) const { check_eq (m_rows, 2); check_eq (m_columns, 2); return (*this)[0][0] * (*this)[1][1] - (*this)[0][1] * (*this)[1][0]; } // [ a, b, c ] // Given matrix A = [ d, e, f ] // [ g, h, i ] // // det (A) = aei + bfg + cdh - afg - bdi - ceg // det (A) = a(ei - fg) + b(fg - di) + c(dh - eg) double matrix::determinant3x3 (void) const { check_eq (m_rows, 3); check_eq (m_columns, 3); return (*this)[0][0] * (*this)[1][1] * (*this)[2][2] + // aei (*this)[0][1] * (*this)[1][2] * (*this)[2][0] + // bfg (*this)[0][2] * (*this)[1][0] * (*this)[2][1] - // cdh (*this)[0][0] * (*this)[1][2] * (*this)[2][1] - // afh (*this)[0][1] * (*this)[1][0] * (*this)[2][2] - // bdi (*this)[0][2] * (*this)[1][1] * (*this)[2][0]; // ceg } // From libMathematics, http://www.geometrictools.com/ double matrix::determinant4x4 (void) const { check_eq (m_rows, 4); check_eq (m_columns, 4); double a0 = m_data[ 0] * m_data[ 5] - m_data[ 1] * m_data[ 4], a1 = m_data[ 0] * m_data[ 6] - m_data[ 2] * m_data[ 4], a2 = m_data[ 0] * m_data[ 7] - m_data[ 3] * m_data[ 4], a3 = m_data[ 1] * m_data[ 6] - m_data[ 2] * m_data[ 5], a4 = m_data[ 1] * m_data[ 7] - m_data[ 3] * m_data[ 5], a5 = m_data[ 2] * m_data[ 7] - m_data[ 3] * m_data[ 6], b0 = m_data[ 8] * m_data[13] - m_data[ 9] * m_data[12], b1 = m_data[ 8] * m_data[14] - m_data[10] * m_data[12], b2 = m_data[ 8] * m_data[15] - m_data[11] * m_data[12], b3 = m_data[ 9] * m_data[14] - m_data[10] * m_data[13], b4 = m_data[ 9] * m_data[15] - m_data[11] * m_data[13], b5 = m_data[10] * m_data[15] - m_data[11] * m_data[14]; return a0 * b5 - a1 * b4 + a2 * b3 + a3 * b2 - a4 * b1 + a5 * b0; } matrix matrix::inverse (void) const { if (m_rows != m_columns) not_implemented (); switch (m_rows) { case 2: return inverse2x2 (); case 3: return inverse3x3 (); case 4: return inverse4x4 (); } not_implemented (); } matrix matrix::inverse2x2 (void) const { check (m_rows == 2); check (m_columns == 2); double det = determinant2x2 (); if (almost_equal (det, 0.)) throw not_invertible (); return matrix (2, 2, { (*this)[1][1], -(*this)[0][1], -(*this)[1][0], (*this)[0][0] }) /= det; } // [ a, b, c ] // Given matrix A = [ d, e, f ] // [ g, h, i ] // matrix matrix::inverse3x3 (void) const { check (m_rows == 3); check (m_columns == 3); double det = determinant3x3(); if (almost_equal (det, 0.)) throw not_invertible (); matrix val (m_rows, m_columns, { (*this)[1][1] * (*this)[2][2] - (*this)[1][2] * (*this)[2][1], // ei - fh (*this)[0][2] * (*this)[2][1] - (*this)[0][1] * (*this)[2][2], // ch - bi (*this)[0][1] * (*this)[1][2] - (*this)[0][2] * (*this)[1][1], // bf - ce (*this)[1][2] * (*this)[2][0] - (*this)[1][0] * (*this)[2][2], // fg - di (*this)[0][0] * (*this)[2][2] - (*this)[0][2] * (*this)[2][0], // ai - cg (*this)[0][2] * (*this)[1][0] - (*this)[0][0] * (*this)[1][2], // cd - af (*this)[1][0] * (*this)[2][1] - (*this)[1][1] * (*this)[2][0], // dh - eg (*this)[0][1] * (*this)[2][0] - (*this)[0][0] * (*this)[2][1], // bg - ah (*this)[0][0] * (*this)[1][1] - (*this)[0][1] * (*this)[1][0] // ae - bd }); return val /= det; //matrix val ({ vector::cross ((*this)[1], (*this)[2], 3), // vector::cross ((*this)[2], (*this)[0], 3), // vector::cross ((*this)[0], (*this)[1], 3) }); //return val /= determinant3x3 (); } matrix matrix::inverse4x4 (void) const { double a0 = m_data[ 0] * m_data[ 5] - m_data[ 1] * m_data[ 4], a1 = m_data[ 0] * m_data[ 6] - m_data[ 2] * m_data[ 4], a2 = m_data[ 0] * m_data[ 7] - m_data[ 3] * m_data[ 4], a3 = m_data[ 1] * m_data[ 6] - m_data[ 2] * m_data[ 5], a4 = m_data[ 1] * m_data[ 7] - m_data[ 3] * m_data[ 5], a5 = m_data[ 2] * m_data[ 7] - m_data[ 3] * m_data[ 6], b0 = m_data[ 8] * m_data[13] - m_data[ 9] * m_data[12], b1 = m_data[ 8] * m_data[14] - m_data[10] * m_data[12], b2 = m_data[ 8] * m_data[15] - m_data[11] * m_data[12], b3 = m_data[ 9] * m_data[14] - m_data[10] * m_data[13], b4 = m_data[ 9] * m_data[15] - m_data[11] * m_data[13], b5 = m_data[10] * m_data[15] - m_data[11] * m_data[14]; double det = a0 * b5 - a1 * b4 + a2 * b3 + a3 * b2 - a4 * b1 + a5 * b0; if (almost_equal (det, 0.)) throw not_invertible (); return matrix (4, 4, { + m_data[ 5] * b5 - m_data[ 6] * b4 + m_data[ 7] * b3, - m_data[ 1] * b5 + m_data[ 2] * b4 - m_data[ 3] * b3, + m_data[13] * a5 - m_data[14] * a4 + m_data[15] * a3, - m_data[ 9] * a5 + m_data[10] * a4 - m_data[11] * a3, - m_data[ 4] * b5 + m_data[ 6] * b2 - m_data[ 7] * b1, + m_data[ 0] * b5 - m_data[ 2] * b2 + m_data[ 3] * b1, - m_data[12] * a5 + m_data[14] * a2 - m_data[15] * a1, + m_data[ 8] * a5 - m_data[10] * a2 + m_data[11] * a1, + m_data[ 4] * b4 - m_data[ 5] * b2 + m_data[ 7] * b0, - m_data[ 0] * b4 + m_data[ 1] * b2 - m_data[ 3] * b0, + m_data[12] * a4 - m_data[13] * a2 + m_data[15] * a0, - m_data[ 8] * a4 + m_data[ 9] * a2 - m_data[11] * a0, - m_data[ 4] * b3 + m_data[ 5] * b1 - m_data[ 6] * b0, + m_data[ 0] * b3 - m_data[ 1] * b1 + m_data[ 2] * b0, - m_data[12] * a3 + m_data[13] * a1 - m_data[14] * a0, + m_data[ 8] * a3 - m_data[ 9] * a1 + m_data[10] * a0 }) /= det; } matrix matrix::zeroes (size_t diag) { return zeroes (diag, diag); } matrix matrix::zeroes (size_t rows, size_t columns) { matrix m (rows, columns); std::fill (m.m_data, m.m_data + m.size (), 0.0); return m; } matrix matrix::identity (size_t diag) { matrix val (zeroes (diag)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < diag; ++i) val[i][i] = 1.0; return val; } matrix matrix::magic (size_t n) { check_hard (n > 2); if (n % 2 == 1) return magic_odd (n); if (n % 4 == 0) return magic_even_single (n); return magic_even_double (n); } // Use the 'siamese' method. Start from the top centre, progress up-left one. // If filled then drop down one row instead. Wrap around indexing. matrix matrix::magic_odd (size_t n) { check_hard (n > 2); check_hard (n % 2 == 1); matrix val (zeroes (n)); for (unsigned int i = 1, x = n / 2, y = 0; i <= n * n; ++i) { val[y][x] = i; unsigned int x1 = (x + 1) % n, y1 = (y + n - 1) % n; if (!almost_equal (val[y1][x1], 0)) { x1 = x; y1 = (y + 1) % n; } x = x1; y = y1; } return val; } matrix matrix::magic_even_single (size_t) { not_implemented (); } matrix matrix::magic_even_double (size_t) { not_implemented (); }