Supported compilers: >=clang-5.x, >=gcc7.x; specifically, we require cxx17 features such as structured bindings which aren't present in older compilers. No attempt has been made to compile under MSVC.
=== Environment Variables
The following variables can be defined at runtime to change the library behaviour.
DEBUG:: whether to initialise basic debugging features at load time. the value is irrelevant; the test is for whether the variable is defined.
DEBUG_WAIT:: whether to wait for a debugger to attach before executing `main`.
LOG_LEVEL:: minimum log level that will render to the logging stream. note that a given level may have been compiled out and may not be present, eg. DEBUG tends to only be present for debug builds.
BREAK_LEVEL:: minimum log level that will trigger a breakpoint
CRUFT_LOG_SINK:: The output driver for logging. One of 'CONSOLE', 'PATH'.
CRUFT_LOG_PATH:: The output path for the 'PATH' logging driver. This path is subject to path expansion and will be interpreted as relative to the current working directory if it is relative.