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2018-08-04 15:14:06 +10:00
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2015-2017 Danny Robson <>
#pragma once
#include "std.hpp"
#include "variadic.hpp"
#include <cruft/util/preprocessor.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
namespace cruft {
template <typename T>
std::string_view type_name (void)
std::string_view pretty_function (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
#ifdef __clang__
// PRETTY_FUNCTION = std::string_view cruft::type_name() [T = std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> >]
std::string_view const prefix = "[T = ";
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
// PRETTY_FUNCTION = "constexpr std::string_view cruft::type_name() [with T = std::__debug::vector<int>; std::string_view = std::basic_string_view<char>]"
std::string_view prefix = "[with T = ";
#error "Unsupported compiler"
// Find the location where the type begins. It will also mark the start of
// the type's namespace if the type has one.
auto const ns_begin = std::search (
pretty_function.begin (),
pretty_function.end (),
prefix.begin (),
prefix.end ()
// Find the point the type name ends. Both use ']', but gcc lists
// std::string_view too and so requires the delimiting ';' as a suffix.
char const suffixes[] = ";]";
auto const type_end = std::find_first_of (
pretty_function.end (),
std::begin (suffixes),
std::end (suffixes)
// Find the end of any namespace symbols
auto const ns_symbol = std::find (
std::make_reverse_iterator (type_end),
std::make_reverse_iterator (ns_begin),
// Compute the start of the symbol's type and return a view over this.
auto const data = ns_symbol != std::make_reverse_iterator (ns_begin)
? &*ns_symbol + 1
: ns_begin + prefix.size ();
auto const size = std::distance (data, type_end);
return std::string_view (data, size);
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<i08> (void) { return "i08"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<i16> (void) { return "i16"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<i32> (void) { return "i32"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<i64> (void) { return "i64"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<u08> (void) { return "u08"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<u16> (void) { return "u16"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<u32> (void) { return "u32"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<u64> (void) { return "u64"; }
2016-03-16 19:27:22 +11:00
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<f32> (void) { return "f32"; }
template <> constexpr std::string_view type_name<f64> (void) { return "f64"; }
2017-02-09 16:48:42 +11:00
template <typename T>
struct type_char;
template <> struct type_char<float > { static constexpr char value = 'f'; };
template <> struct type_char<double> { static constexpr char value = 'd'; };
template <> struct type_char< int8_t> { static constexpr char value = 'i'; };
template <> struct type_char< int16_t> { static constexpr char value = 'i'; };
template <> struct type_char< int32_t> { static constexpr char value = 'i'; };
template <> struct type_char< int64_t> { static constexpr char value = 'i'; };
template <> struct type_char< uint8_t> { static constexpr char value = 'u'; };
template <> struct type_char<uint16_t> { static constexpr char value = 'u'; };
template <> struct type_char<uint32_t> { static constexpr char value = 'u'; };
template <> struct type_char<uint64_t> { static constexpr char value = 'u'; };
template <typename T>
constexpr auto type_char_v = type_char<T>::value;
/// Lists valid values of an enumeration
/// E: enumeration type
/// Specialisations must provide the following constexpr:
/// value_type: typename
/// value_count: size_t
/// values: static const std::array<value_type,value_count>
template <
typename E
struct enum_traits;
/// Defines specialisations for introspection data structures for an
/// enum E, in namespace NS, with variadic values __VA_ARGS__.
/// Expects to be caleld from outside all namespaces.
/// XXX: If we define the constexpr fields in a template specialised class
/// clang has trouble instantiating them (with std=c++1z) resulting in
/// undefined symbols at link time. By using a simple struct and inheriting
/// from it we can avoid this problem. Revist this solution at clang-4.0.
namespace cruft { \
struct PASTE(__enum_traits_,E) { \
using value_type = ::NS::E; \
static constexpr \
size_t value_count = VA_ARGS_COUNT(__VA_ARGS__); \
static const \
std::array<value_type,value_count> \
values; \
static const \
std::array<const char*,value_count> \
names; \
}; \
template <> \
struct enum_traits<::NS::E> : public PASTE(__enum_traits_,E) \
{ }; \
} \
/// Declares specialisations for introspection data structures for an
/// enum E, in namespace NS, with variadic values __VA_ARGS__.
/// Expects to be called from outside all namespaces.
const \
std::array< \
cruft::enum_traits<::NS::E>::value_type, \
cruft::enum_traits<::NS::E>::value_count \
> PASTE(cruft::__enum_traits_,E)::values = { \
}; \
const \
std::array< \
const char*, \
cruft::enum_traits<::NS::E>::value_count \
> PASTE(cruft::__enum_traits_,E)::names = { \
/// Defines an istream extraction operator for an enumeration E, within
/// namespace NS
/// Expects to be called from outside all namespaces.
/// The user is responsible for specialising the ::cruft::enum_traits<NS::E>
/// parameters which are used to drive the implementation (eg, through
/// For trivial enumerations INTROSPECTION_ENUM may be easier to use.
std::istream& \
::NS::operator>> (std::istream &is, ::NS::E &e) \
{ \
using traits = ::cruft::enum_traits<::NS::E>; \
std::string name; \
is >> name; \
std::transform (std::begin (name), \
std::end (name), \
std::begin (name), \
::toupper); \
auto name_pos = std::find ( \
std::cbegin (traits::names), \
std::cend (traits::names), \
name \
); \
if (name_pos == std::cend (traits::names)) { \
is.setstate (std::istream::failbit); \
} else { \
auto d = std::distance ( \
std::begin (traits::names), \
name_pos \
); \
e = traits::values[d]; \
} \
return is; \
/// Defines an ostream insertion operator for an enumeration E, within
/// namespace NS.
/// Expects to be called from outside all namespaces.
/// The user is responsible for specialising the ::cruft::enum_traits<NS::E>
/// parameters which are used to drive the implementation (eg, through
/// For trivial enumerations INTROSPECTION_ENUM may be easier to use.
std::ostream& \
::NS::operator<< (std::ostream &os, ::NS::E e) \
{ \
using traits = ::cruft::enum_traits<::NS::E>; \
auto val_pos = std::find ( \
std::cbegin (traits::values), \
std::cend (traits::values), \
e \
); \
if (val_pos == std::cend (traits::values)) { \
os.setstate (std::ostream::failbit); \
} else { \
auto d = std::distance ( \
std::cbegin (traits::values), \
val_pos \
); \
os << traits::names[d]; \
} \
return os; \
/// Defines an enum, its values, associated introspection structures, and
/// istream and ostream operators.
/// This must be called from outside all namespaces as
/// and define structures outside the user's namespace.
/// The enum will be defined inside an inline namespace to simplify the
/// passing of parameters to functions which require some namespace
/// prefixing. This shouldn't have a practical effect on user code.
#define INTROSPECTION_ENUM(E, ...) \
inline namespace detail_intr_enum { \
enum E { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, E); \
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream&, E&); \
} \
INTROSPECTION_ENUM_DECL(detail_intr_enum,E,__VA_ARGS__) \
INTROSPECTION_ENUM_IMPL(detail_intr_enum,E,__VA_ARGS__) \
inline namespace detail_intr_enum { \
enum class E { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, E); \
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream&, E&); \
} \
INTROSPECTION_ENUM_DECL(detail_intr_enum,E,__VA_ARGS__) \
INTROSPECTION_ENUM_IMPL(detail_intr_enum,E,__VA_ARGS__) \
/// Describes a single member variable in a type availabe for introspection
/// K: target class
/// R: member type
/// M: pointer-to-member
template <
class K,
typename R,
R K::*M
struct field
typedef K klass;
typedef R type;
static const std::string name;
static const R& get (const K &k) { return k.*M; }
static R& get ( K &k) { return k.*M; }
static R& get ( K &&) = delete;
/// Holds the fields of a type available for introspection
/// Specialise the following type struct with a 'fields' tuple of the
/// members that should be accessed like below:
/// struct foo { int a; int b; };
/// template <> struct type<foo>
/// {
/// typedef std::tuple<
/// field<foo,int,&foo::a>,
/// field<foo,int,&foo::b>
/// > fields;
/// };
/// template <> const std::string field<foo,int,&foo::a>::name = "a";
/// template <> const std::string field<foo,int,&foo::b>::name = "b";
template <class K>
struct type { };
/// traits class which converts an introspected type to a tuple
/// K: target class
template <typename K>
struct type_tuple;
template <
typename ...T
> struct type_tuple<
> {
typedef std::tuple<T...> type;
template <
typename K,
typename I = typename std::make_index_sequence<
typename type<K>::fields
> struct _type_tuple;
template <
typename K,
size_t ...I
> struct _type_tuple <
> {
typedef std::tuple<
typename std::tuple_element<
typename type<K>::fields
> type;
template <
typename K
> struct type_tuple {
typedef typename _type_tuple<K>::type type;
namespace detail {
template <
typename K,
typename I = typename std::make_index_sequence<
typename type<K>::fields
struct _as_tuple;
template <
typename K,
size_t ...I
struct _as_tuple <
static typename type_tuple<K>::type
make (const K &k)
return std::make_tuple (
std::tuple_element<I, typename type<K>::fields>::type::get (k)...
static auto make (K&&) = delete;
/// Convert an introspection capable class instance into a tuple instance
/// K: source class
template <typename K>
as_tuple (const K &k)
return detail::_as_tuple<K>::make (k);
template <typename K>
auto as_tuple (K &_k)
const K &k = _k;
return as_tuple (k);
template <typename K>
auto as_tuple (K&&) = delete;